Wednesday, September 09, 2009

14 Billion Years

Matthew's lyrics, my music. If anyone else wants to make a song just send me some lyrics and maybe sing them into a mp3 so I already have a melody (thats what Matthew did). I want to get a good lullaby about dragons and adventures and the like.

Oh, and I'm not to sure if I like the ending, I might change it up a bit. Too much of the same note. And I'm also not sure if I subconsciencly got parts of the tune from some where. At first it sounded original but now that I've played it and listened to it a bunch I wonder if I got it from some where or now it just sounds familiar to me. I hope its the second.


aarastas said...

Post the Lyrics. I've been toying with topics but no lyrics yet. Good job both of you. I like it.

Matthew said...

Didn’t your momma ever tell you?
Didn’t your daddy ever let ya know?
That in this life you get what you get
It don’t do no good to throw a fit.

Didn’t your best friend ever tell you?
Didn’t your sweetheart ever let you know?
That in this life there is sadness and grief
But even as such we count it much too brief.

But that don’t mean
That this here life ain’t the most beautiful thing to arrive on the scene..
In these some odd fourteen
Billion years.

Didn’t your teacher ever tell you
Didn’t your preacher ever let you know?
That ending this life no matter how we try
Like it or not we all have to die.

But that don’t mean
That this here life ain’t the most beautiful thing to arrive on the scene
In these some odd fourteen
Billion years

Now some have supposed that man is nothing
That the earth revolves around the sun
That to this thin band we tenuously cling
But I’m not convinced and I don’t know
I don’t have the answers and I’m sure I’m not the first
But I can’t help but feel that you and I really are at the center of the universe

Child, didn’t I ever tell you?
Son, I wonder if I let you know
That of this life you can make what you will
And no matter what you choose I’ll love you still

And that’s what I mean
When I say that your little life is the most beautiful thing that I’ve ever seen…
In my some odd for-ty
Fleeting years.

Matthew said...

Hey Mike, very nice job. I agree that the end needs changing. What I imagined was a return to the initial melody with the final lines to tie it in after the hook.

So the "and that's what I mean when I say that your little life is..." would follow the melody of the original, "but that don't mean that this here life ain't..." Maybe stronger than the original though.

I like it though, well done. Nothing comes to mind off that bat of anything that you cribbed, but who knows, it does sound a bit familiar, that may just be cause I heard a bit of it yesterday.

Mike said...

Yeah, I wanted to return to the origional melody but it didn't really work with the lyrics. The ending lyrics aren't as solemn as the begining so it was hard to go back to the minor key. I'll work on it though

Meghan said...

The beginning kind of sounds like a radio head song but the rest isn't familiar.

Adam Zollinger said...

I was a bit skeptical when I heard the rough version on your phone, but I'm impressed how it turned out. Good job guys. The boys are missing their dad like crazy and we can't wait to see you on Friday.

Wendy Nielsen Squires said...

You're the men. Amazing lyrics and music/melody. Michael, that video brought me to tears. I'm so proud to be your sister. I want an album to sing to with my kids. You might want to invest in a music program for your computer. You really are very good. I have tons of lyrics and one with a melody. I'll send it to you. They're pretty simple. Songs I've sung to my kidletts.
Love, Wendy

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