Thursday, September 09, 2010

Solar System Necklace

So I saw this cool solar system necklace the other day so I decided to make Sarah one.  It's roughly to scale each bead being 10 or 100 million miles.  The beads are made of painted burl wood.  I felt bad painting the burl but it turned out pretty good.  I tried silver wire for Saturn's rings but couldn't get it to look good so I settled for a burl ring there.

The cheesy coolness of this necklace is the absence of the sun, it being the wearer, the light of my life, the center of my universe-strike through solar system, Sarah.

Solar System Necklace (Custom)


Mike said...

No love for Pluto? Jump lump it in with the Kuiper belt I guess.

aarastas said...

I's Pluto, or it's sat the same spot as Pluto should be. I figured I might as well get up to date.

Meghan said...

Cute! So crafty!

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