Thursday, October 19, 2006

The Office

I don't know if this is legal or not...but I'm adding an odd thought to Aaron's blog! Aaron and I really like to watch the show, "The Office." If you haven't seen it, it's hysterical. I was dubious the first couple of seasons, but now that I actually sat down and watched it, I love it! I laugh so hard every week. Anyways...odd thought...if I had to have a job, I would so want to work for the boss, Michael. He is the biggest idiot in the universe and I think that I would be the happiest person in the world. I'd come home from work every day thinking that I had the greatest job ever. No one works there and they have things like "Movie Monday." It would be my ultimate job. Well...just something to think about!


Anonymous said...

I agree...funny funny. Dwight is my favorite, and lately the funnies part for me was the conversation about making a robot with a 6 foot extension cord so it couldn't take over the world.

Anonymous said...

I've seen all of season 1 and 2. It maybe the best comedy on right now because its clean compared to all those other trashy shows. I like diversity day.

Bethany said...

Matthew and I have a hot date every week watching. We absolutely love it. Definitely agree about the robot. HILARIOUS! Everything is just so matter of fact to them but completely off the wall that I am rolling every time I watch it. Matthew is good about catching me off guard with a quote and sure enough I start rolling again. So how about these new characters. Remember the Call of Duty day. That guy that sits in front of Jim might be pretty funny. We have this guy in our ward, goes to school with Matthew, and believe or not he is Michael. Granted not as crude, but the similarity in looks and demeanor is alarming. So I guess you've figured out by now that I LOVE THE OFFICE!

Meghan said...

I love the office. Afton has all of them on DVD and we get the new ones weekly through ITUNES. My favorite episode is the dundies. I love it. I also love the one where michael burns his foot, they're all so great. "The game is over, I am going to shoot you! Sabatoure, sabatoure!!!"

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