Monday, May 24, 2010


What did you think of the conclusion?
Is anyone still  a fan?


Meghan said...

I didn't much care by the time it finally concluded to be honest. I liked the ending, very mysterious and open ended. Wonder if they're all dead, or just some of them. The island/new future after bomb went off seemed to be limbo/spirit world. Then the church was their final resting place/heaven. Still don't really understand the light, is this humanities life force? Overall great show!

aarastas said...

I like to think that they were all dead from the original plane crash. That way I don't have to be disappointed in never finding out about Aaron, Walt, 4 toed statue, etc. etc. It was a good ending all in all, though it felt like they were scrambling to fix a show that got out of hand. Next time (next show) I'd say 6 years is a few to many.

Meghan said...

I don't mind all the loose ends, however, the 4 toed statue was the statue of anubis originally, remember seeing it? Not some alien creature as we'd hoped.

aarastas said...

Yeah, kinda lends to the they-were-all-dead-the-whole-time theory.

Matthew said...

I liked the ending. However, the they were all dead the whole time theory is NOT correct. Christian Shepard told Jack that he (Jack) was dead when Jack had said, "but you're dead". Christian then said that they were all dead and importantly, some had died before some LONG after. Who died before Jack? Charlie, Sayid, etc. did, who could have died long after? Hurley and Ben of course. After all Ben had made a good number 2 and Hurley a great #1. This referred to their stewardship of the island which may have lasted hundereds of years as Jacobs had. They apparently did it a better way as I suppose Desmond was allowed to leave and raise his son and be with Penny as Jack had told him to do.

I don't really know what the island was. What the man in black was. Evil I think. But not Jacob's brother as he was laid to rest next to their fake mother. I think the island was the place where evil is contained, and the balance of the world is maintained. Hence the man in black's leaving would destroy everything. Why did they come to the island? Jacob brought them to replace him as the island's guard. But wanted to give them choice in the matter, so brought several candidates, or perhaps saw that the only way to capture the loosed evil/save the world was a combination of people. Hence Jack and Hurley fulfilling separate duties as the Island's protector.

The flash sideways was more or less a stopping off place in the afterlife, in preparation for reincarnation or travel to the afterlife, and not at all related to the island story. It simply shares a place in the mythos. It is a place that all must pass through and can only pass on when they have woken up by finding those most important to them in life (and perhaps in all past and future lives, traveling with the same kindred souls). This is why Ben was not ready to pass on as he still had to wake Rousseau and his daughter and father and others of that storyline (and shed his baggage). Miles too and Milpitas etc. were not ready to pass on, until they too had found their kindred souls.

I think that the writers ultimately made a new mythology up with the series. Explaining good and evil and the afterlife and purpose of life in a very limited, but unique way way. I think this was hinted at in the near final scene with Jack and Christian. If you noticed the stained glass window behind them it had the symbol of all major world religions and if I am not mistaken a new one in the bottom left of a wheel. Much like the one Jacob's brother was making and Ben used to move the island. Or is this a symbol I am not familiar with?

Oh well it was good but I am disappointed that they didn't answer the questions without the Deus ex Machina of Jacob and the man in black/ afterlife reunion plotlines

Matthew said...

Here is a pic of the window.

aarastas said...

I don't think the writers were all that clear on them being dead or not. In the end I don't really care which it was. I prefer them being dead the whole time. It works too. Either you have a bunch of loose ends or a cop out.

Christian Shepherd saying "There is no time here"...Well there was no time on the Island either (time travel).

The big statue of the afterlife hovering over the island.

People being stuck on the Island/purgatory (Michael) etc.

They even said they were all deal and in hell a few times in the show. When the cat got out of the bag a few seasons ago the producers scrambled to fix their twist by telling everyone it wasn't purgatory. They were just trying to protect the mystery a little longer.

Both the sideways and the island were different afterlife locations. Each lostie brought baggage to the island that became "reality", Think Hurley and his numbers.

Anyway, the island was to fantastic to be real life and if it was there are to many unanswered questions.

I've head some thoughts that Jacob was death of sorts and each of the losties died just before or shortly after he came in contact with them.

So in my opinion there are two endings one with no answers and one with an easy answer. But honestly I don't even think the producers know. They wrote themselves into a corner and found a decent way out.

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