Heidi and I have really enjoyed his books. The candy shop wars is perfect for little kids that love candy. As in all little kids. It's set in the shadow of Mt. Diablo. 4 kids discover a magical candy shop and adventure follows. Its a 2-4 day read depending on how much time you have in the evening. Our boys' attention span isn't up to a book with out pictures yet but it is definitly on our family list of books to read to our kids.

A brother and a sister discover that their granparents are care takers of a haven for magical creaturs; Satyrs, fairies, golems, trolls and some many others. It's your basic stop the bad guys before they take over the world but the imagery and "twists" are very fun. They draw upon the imagination that exists in all children and many of us "grown ups".

I hope some of you pick them up and tell me what you think. Start with "The Candy Shop Wars" since it is a very small investment in time and stands alone. Anyone with kids or anyone that remembers what it was like being a child will love them because its every kids dream to discover treasure, magic candy and have adventures.